Category Archives: Coffee Chats
What’s New
What’s New
I have been neglecting my website and while I doubt that I have very many readers of my blogs, I felt the urge to bring my possible readers up to date. In January I took a
Checking In
One of the good things about the technology now available to us is the way we can reach out to family and friends with text messages. While our children and grandchildren make use of it constantly, it
Ignorance is Bliss
“Ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise. “Thomas Gray – Ode on a Distant Prospect at Eaton College.
Ignorance is bliss or what you don’t know can’t hurt you,
I once talked to a school guidance counselor who
Down The Rabbit Hole
Going Down the Rabbit Hole.
A friend of mine and I were texting and sharing recipes today when I wanted to share with her a recipe of my grandmothers for Poor Man’s Cake. I retrieved it from
For Caregivers
When the One You Cared for Dies
Its has been nearly three years since my spouse. Chuck Wendel died. We had only a year of our 9-year marriage before his second stroke made him basically a quadriplegic.
My Life in Coffee Cups
My Life in Coffee Cups
This may sound silly to some, but you could learn a lot about my life by just perusing my coffee cup collection. That is why I have decided to start a little
Friends, Colleagues and Students
In the over 50 years of teaching and administering in schools and colleges, I have met many wonderful students and teachers. I am interested in what has happened to you and where you have gone with