Valentine Memories
Though some might have a problem believing it, my husband, Chuck Wendel was a very
romantic guy. When we were courting, he called me every morning from Amana at 6:30 am and we had coffee together. I could hear him grinding the coffee beans and filling up his pot. While I was doing the same. We usually talked for about an hour of this and that while the coffee perked, and the toast popped up in the toaster. Sometimes I set my alarm for a little earlier and waited for his call.
Chuck was born on February 13th so we always celebrated. With roses and a chocolate cake. Chuck loved flowers so we were sure to get them for each other. Sometimes family sent flowers for his birthday with a little Valentine, too. When they could, they would come to our house for a birthday cake and visit. On his 80thbirthday he received many cards from friends and we looked at them over and over again,
We spent our days working in our little print shop attached to the house,, reading and enjoying some of his books and listening to classical organ music, or visiting via Youtube the many places he had traveled.
Throughout our years together it was our love that helped us meet the challenges of his second stroke. We never ended a day with a heartfelt I love you.
As his birthday and Valentine’s Day approach, I I have happy memories of those days. There many kinds of love- we shared a special connection. If such a thing as a soul mate exists then Chuck and I were soul mates.