Stop Me If You Have Heard This
Stop Me If You Have Heard This
We old folks all have our favorite stories. We like to share special memories with friends and family. Sometimes we learn as time goes by that we only knew one side of the story, and as we share it with our adult children, we see the memory from their point of view. (This can be scary.) As a teacher of children and adults for more than 50 years, I have many stories from my days in the classroom that I love to share. Some are very funny and even if I tell them again and again the make me laugh. I actually took a stand-up comedy class and included in my routine stories of the antics of my 8th students during my early teaching days.
Being a good listener when mom, dad or grandma tell you the same story for the 100th time is greatly appreciated. Recently having coffee with some high school classmates, it occurred to me that our tendency to forget things may be a perk. Old friends might not remember you have told them the story any more than you remember if you told it to them before. Either that, or even if they do remember, they will listen and laugh.
Be patient with you elderly friends. Smile, laugh and enjoy the fact that you have them in your life. So often it seems nobody really wants to listen to us. And trust me. We know when you are bored forced to hear the same old tale again. Thank you indulging our nonsense.