Coffee With

Dr. Judy

Parent Tips 2021

by Judy Richardson | Published October 1, 2021

Parenting Tips Revisited.

In the 1980’s, when I was Director of Community and Adult Education for the Des Moines Public Schools and publisher of Iowa Parent and Family Magazine,  I did thirty second parenting tips for WHO Radio. As I revisited these tips recently, I felt some were still worthwhile even today. Some challenges to parents have always existed. But today’s parents face many more challenges than my parents did raising me in the 1950’s and 60’s, and still many more when I was raising mine in the 1980’s.

I researched experts on topics for ideas, always giving credit for their contributions. As a parent and educator, I felt my own experience gave me some insights to share. My husband and I parented a blended family. That in itself was a much rarer situation than when I was growing up. As working adult who took care of my parents before they passed away, I learned about caring for children and my aging parents at the same time. This is a challenge now faced by my children. 

In this section of my blog, I am going to post past tips that offered those I believe are still relevant but add some new ones that reflect today’s challenges in the many stages of our lives as parents. I invite you to comment on what I offer and share any insights from your own experiences. Whether you are just starting out in the parenting process or find yourself being “parented” by your children, it is my hope that you will find something helpful or at least something to think about.

Dr. Judy

Also posted in Parenting